NEW from SWAMP! I’ve been working on some new posters for the "Sound on Sound Festival" that is happening outside Austin, Texas, November 3rd-6th. I will have a booth at the festival and will be releasing posters for Fidlar, Metz, Dillinger Escape Plan & The MonkeyWrench! I’m also bringing lots of other stuff so come out and say Hello! If you live in Austin and are interested in helping work the booth please email me, I have an extra pass and am willing to trade it for a couple hours of help each day. If you can’t make it to the festival and are interested in any of these check the website around November 8th!

If you haven't been following our social media or website this month we are having our annual “Season of the Witch Sale” which includes super daily deals and a 20% discount on all orders over $60, use coupon code “witch” at checkout! You can find the daily deals on the front page of the website, Facebook or Instagram pages.
I hope you are having a great month and have a Happy Halloween!
Lindsey Kuhn